2020.02.13 お知らせ 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する対応について(第3報)/关于预防新型冠状病毒感染肺炎的通报(第3次)/Measures regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (No. 3) 学生生活


学長 田畑 理一






(2)中国に渡航中・帰省中の学生は、外務省の海外安全情報に基づき、早期の日本帰国を検討してください。また、日本に帰国・再入国する際には、国際教育交流センターに、1) 帰国・再入国日時、2) フライト便名、3) 出発、4) 日本での滞在先と連絡先を報告し、帰国・再入国後には、以下のとおり健康観察を行ってください。











学生課 TEL:072-941-2679 Email:gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp

国際教育交流センター TEL:072-941-5597 Email:kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp




校长 田畑 理一




 1) 返抵日本的日期
 2) 航班号码
 3) 返回前在中国的住所和始发地
 4) 日本的住所






学生课 TEL 072-941-2679 Email gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp
国际教育交流中心 TEL 072-941-5597 Email kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp


13 February 2020
Measures regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (No. 3)

To All Students and Guardians

From Riichi Tabata,
President of Osaka University of Economics and Law

Due to the spread of Novel Coronavirus, travel restrictions and curfews within China, and cessation or reduction of flights to and from China by various countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan implemented the following measures on 12 February:
- Entry restrictions for foreigners who have visited Zhejiang Province in the previous 14 days (similar measures were already implemented in the case of Hubei Province)
- For Japanese residing in China and those travelling overseas, an urgent request to consider an early temporary return to Japan or a postponement of their trip.

Therefore, regarding travel to China, in a change from the previous "Measures regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (No. 2)" announced on 4 February, this university will take the measures listed below concerning the cancelation of travel to China, as well as the return to Japan of students who have travelled to China or are visiting family there.

1. Travel to China

(1) Based on the overseas safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, please cancel trips to China as detailed below.
1. Cancel all trips to Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province in China.
2. Cancel all trips to areas of China outside Hubei Province and Zhejiang Province unless absolutely necessary.

(2) For students who have travelled to China or are visiting family there, in line with the overseas safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, please consider an early return to Japan. Furthermore, on your return or re-entry in Japan, please report the following information to the Center for International Education and Exchange (CIEE): (1) the date of arrival or re-entry in Japan, (2) the flight number, (3) the departure, (4) the address and contact details in Japan. After return or re-entry, please consult a doctor as detailed below.

1. After arriving in Japan, rest at home for 2 weeks, paying attention to your physical condition and symptoms. Please also consult a doctor, making use of this Medical Consultation Form.
Medical Consultation Form Download

2. During the 2-week period of medical observation, please rest at your home and avoid contact with people. After the 2 weeks have elapsed, if you have no health problems you may attend university. Before your first visit to university, you are required to contact the university (CIEE).

3. During the 2-week period of medical observation, please undertake university procedures associated with the new academic year, such as course guidance and course registration if this is possible. Furthermore, we shall endeavour to support all students with matters such lending out thermometers and so on, so please feel free to contact us or consult with us at any time.

2. Information regarding prevention of infection

1. Please continue to undertake the measures listed below, from the "Measures regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (No. 2)" announced on 4 February.

- Pay close attention to the alerts from the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and take the following preventative measures:
1. Wash your hands and disinfect them with alcohol (on returning home, before and after cooking, before eating, etc.).
2. Take care of your health on a regular basis (keep regular hours, get sufficient sleep, etc.).
3. Keep the air at an appropriate humidity level.
4. Wear a face mask to observe good etiquette regarding coughing.
5. Avoid crowded areas when possible.

- If you notice any suspicious symptoms, such as a high fever or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, quickly contact a medical institution or health centre, and obey their instructions.

- In order to prevent infection on our campuses, we are installing disinfectant in the classrooms etc., and implementing the wearing of face masks.

Related Information
Measures regarding Novel Coronavirus from the Cabinet Secretariat website
Measures regarding Novel Coronavirus from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Overseas Safety Information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Measures regarding Novel Coronavirus from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

3. Enquiries and Advice from this University

If you have any information or requests regarding the countermeasures for the outbreak of the coronavirus, please contact the offices listed below.

General enquiries
Office of Student Affairs Tel: 072-941-2679 E-mail: gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp

Enquiries regarding International Students or Travel to China
Center for International Education and Exchange (CIEE)
Tel: 072-941-5597 E-mail: kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp