2020.02.04 お知らせ 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する対応について(第2報)/为新型冠状病毒感染肺炎告学生及学生家长书/An Alert regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus 学生生活


学長 田畑 理一

なお、今後、大学から発する新しい情報については、随時本学ウェブサイト、学生向けポータルサイトUNIVERSAL PASSPORTに掲載しますので、適宜確認してください。









学生課 TEL:072-941-2679 Email:gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp
国際教育交流センター TEL:072-941-5597 Email:kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp





校长 田畑 理一


 本校也将通过官网和学生使用的校园网络(UNIVERSAL PASSPORT)公布相关讯息,请随时关注。






3. 因事一定要在此期间前往除湖北省以外的中国其他地区,或由上述地区返回日本时,必须事先向本校国际教育交流中心报告具体行程和返回日本的日程。

4. 本校的紧急联络电话

学生课 TEL 072-941-2679 Email gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp
国际教育交流中心 TEL 072-941-5597 Email kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp



An Alert regarding the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus

To All Students and Guardians

From Riichi Tabata,
President of Osaka University of Economics and Law

As has been reported in the media, the communicable disease caused by the novel coronavirus has reached a global scale. The seriousness of the situation is demonstrated by the fact that on 30 January the WHO declared the outbreak a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern."
On 28 January, the Japanese government designated the novel coronavirus as an "Infection Designated by Government Ordinance," and this was implemented on 1 February. As part of this, measures were put in place preventing the following people from entering Japan: foreigners who had stayed in Hubei Province during the 14 days before their application; and foreigners who hold a Chinese passport issued in Hubei Province.
Therefore, we request that you check the latest accurate information on the websites of the Cabinet Secretariat, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and that you comply with the following countermeasures.
The latest information from the university will also be announced periodically on both the university website and the student portal "Universal Passport," so please check these regularly.

1. Information regarding prevention of infection

- Pay close attention to the alerts from the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and take the following preventative measures:

1. Wash your hands and disinfect them with alcohol (on returning home, before and after cooking, before eating, etc.).
2. Take care of your health on a regular basis (keep regular hours, get sufficient sleep, etc.).
3. Keep the air at an appropriate humidity level.
4. Wear a face mask to observe good etiquette regarding coughing.
5. Avoid crowded areas when possible.

- If you notice any suspicious symptoms, such as a high fever or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, quickly contact the university and a medical institution or health centre, and obey their instructions.
- In order to prevent infection on our campuses, we are installing disinfectant in the classrooms etc., and enforcing the wearing of face masks.

Related Information
- Measures to Prevent Infection from the Coronavirus (a link to the Cabinet Secretariat website)
- The Outbreak of Pneumonia Connected to Novel Coronavirus in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China (a link to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)

2. Alerts regarding Travel to China

- Based on the overseas safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, please cease any travel to China as detailed below.
1. Please cease all travel to any part of Hubei Province, China.
2. Please cease all travel to places in China outside Hubei Province, unless absolutely necessary.
*The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan today dispatched the following overseas safety information: the whole of Hubei Province, China is at risk level 3 (recommended to cease all travel), and other areas in China are at risk level 2 (cease all non-important or non-urgent travel).

- Due to the stopping of scheduled flights, it may become impossible for people to return to Japan for a certain period. Please reschedule trips to China after the situation has returned to normal.
- If it proves absolutely necessary to travel to areas in China outside Hubei Province, or to enter Japan from those areas, please report in advance your schedule for travel or return to Japan, as well as contact information for your destination, to this university's Center for International Education and Exchange (CIEE).

Related Information
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Overseas Safety Webpage (link to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website)

3. Enquiries and Advice from this University

If you have any information or requests regarding the countermeasures for the outbreak of the coronavirus, please contact the offices listed below.

General enquiries
 Office of Student Affairs  Tel: 072-941-2679 E-mail: gakusei@keiho-u.ac.jp

Enquiries regarding International Students or Travel to China
Center for International Education and Exchange (CIEE)
  Tel: 072-941-5597 E-mail: kokusai@keiho-u.ac.jp