2020.03.11 お知らせ 3月19日迄のキャンパスの利用制限について/关于到3月19日为止限制使用校园的通知/Restrictions on Campus Use until March 19 キャンパス 学生生活



学長 田畑 理一



今後の新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大状況等を考慮し、3月20日(金)以降の本学キャンパスの利用について決定します。決定した内容については、本学ホームページ、Universal passportで公表しますので、ご確認ください。

TEL:072-941-8211(代表) 072-941-1503(庶務課直通)
FAX:072-941-4426 E-mail:syomu@keiho u.ac.jp 





校长 田畑 理一

 政府对策本部于3月10日(星期二)召集会议,继续呼吁在今后10天左右中止一切体育和文化方面的群体活动, 以防止聚集感染。


 考虑到今后新冠肺炎的感染情况,本校对3月20日(星期五)以后的校园使用方法将随时作出决定。敬请留意学校官网和Universal passport。
FAX:072-941-4426 E-mail:syomu@keiho u.ac.jp



11 March, 2020

To all Students, Faculty and Staff
From Riichi Tabata, President of Osaka University of Economics and Law

Restrictions on Campus Use until March 19

At a meeting of the Government Headquarters held on Tuesday, March 10, the government spokesperson said, "We would like to ask you to continue for approximately another 10 days" regarding refraining from holding sports and cultural events. In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, our university has banned students from using the campus since Wednesday, February 26, but based on the results of yesterday's government headquarters meeting, we the university, are informing you that we have decided to take the following measures. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

(1) Students will continue to be prohibited from entering Hanaoka Campus and Yao Campus until Thursday, March 19.

- Individual consultation at the Career Center at Yao Campus will be conducted by appointment only, up to 30 people per day. For more information, please contact the Career Center.
- Please contact us by phone if you have any need for consultation or announcements, including the issuance of any certificates.

(2) From Wednesday, March 18 to Thursday, March 19, we had been planning to hand over the diploma for graduates in each seminar class, but this will be discontinued. Graduates will now receive their degree (diploma) by mail, or other delivery service. We will contact you again with further information.

(3) Students are prohibited from conducting extracurricular activities until Tuesday, March 31.

(4) Each research institute (Osaka Tsuruhashi and Tokyo Ebisu) will continue to be closed until Thursday, March 19.

In consideration of the future expansion of the new coronavirus infection, Covid-19, we will decide on the use of the university campus after Friday, March 20. The contents of the decision will be published on our university's website and Universal Passport.

[Contact information]
Office of Administration
Osaka University of Economics and Law (Mr. Haruyama, Mr. Yamasaki)
TEL:+81(0)72-941-8211 (main)
+81(0)72-941-1503 (Direct line to the Office of Administration)
FAX:+81(0)72-941-4426 E-mail:syomu@keiho u.ac.jp